Monday, December 8, 2008


My mother is a baker, a baker, a baker.

My mother is a baker.

She always goes like this, "Yum! Yum!"

Okay so my Mum is not really a baker, a fabulous cook yes but doesn't seem to really enjoy the baking. I enjoy baking especially when champagne and friends are involved. Saturday was spent successfully completing our 3rd Annual Holiday Bake-A-Thon. We made something like 300+ cookies....

You'll have to check out the Papp or Ogg blog for better pics of the group.



Hillary said...

I like how in this pic, I appear to be doing NOTHING and Julie is the one who appears to be leading the battle on the baking front. Ha! Ok, well, I probably didn't bring as much to the table for the baking, but I sure helped out with the champagne!!!! Thanks for hostessing this year!

Julie said...

So glad to see you used this wonderful picture of me. At least it looks like I was working and NOT just drinking. I had a great time. Thanks for the invite.