Monday, February 2, 2009

Our House

For those who have never been to the Crotzer home this will be an amazing photo journey for you! Just kidding, I was bored this weekend so decided to take some pics of the house.

For those who have been there you'll note a little change to one wall in our living room - I've sort of wallpapered it. I fell in love with the wallpaper and just had to do something with it, also I hated the wall before. I realize it's not for everyone but I'm diggn' it and if you know me, it will be different in a few months anyway.

Also please not the totally rockn' Amish made eight arm wall mounted drying rack in the laundry area. Leave it to the Amish to come up with such a clever way to dry clothing without taking up and floor space. The rack collapses and become flush with the wall! I just love it! I can't believe I'm so excited about a drying rack...It must be because I will be 30 in 4 months!

I tried to embed this stupid slide show but I can't figure it out!


TaraD said...

Your house looks great...I love the wall! Makes me miss you and want to come visit. :(

Hillary said...

Love the changes! Totally love the new wall and am jealous of the sweet Amish wall fixture. Also, love the new bedding!!!! You are such a talented decorator!