Thursday, May 13, 2010

The festivities have begun!

First, notice the countdown to the right!! We're down to mere hours until GRADUATION!!!

We're going to be working backwards in time, starting with this afternoon. G'ma and G'pa C. and Aunt Vicki arrived this afternoon. G'ma S., Noah and I spend a little quality time in many of Missoula's finest retail establishments. DH and Uncle David went for a hike.

This may look like I'm doing a groovy new dance move. But no, this is me losing my balance and knocking a tasting glasses out of G'ma C's hand! Classic Jenn move right? The loss of balance has nothing to do with the amount of beverage consumed - I am a responsible mama. I was crouching to fit in the picture. Thank goodness we're moving! Impressive shot captured by G'ma S.
Mere seconds before the balance/glass mishap sans me!!
You may notice a theme in the pictures. I guess it's one of the advantages of living within a mile of a brewery.
Visiting at Big Sky.

DH and Big Sis Vicki.
Not sure what G'ma S. was talking about but it looks interesting.

This AM, Noah waiting for G'ma to walk from her hotel - we offered to pick her up, she wanted to enjoy the beautiful big sky morning. How is it that such a little one with such little hair can have bed head?
Day 1 with Uncle David at the brewery - Noah enjoying a biter biscuit.
Noah sleeping after the long walk to the brewery.
Uncle David, DH & Noah heading to the brewery.
Noah and me waiting for someone to get here. We were sick of just waiting and waiting for this weekend to come. And yes, I am wearing Griz gear - if there was ever to be a weekend that I should represent, this should be it right?

More family to arrive tomorrow...more...who knows what tomorrow will hold!!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Looks like a great time! I am beyond sad to be missing out...which just means you have to have LOTS of fun for me, too!! :)