The story of the life & times of ME starting 11/11/08. A little of eveything.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A beautiful baby boy!
It's the eve of DH's first day and mine too! My start date got bumped up a week - boohoo!! It's the eve of Noah's first day at a new school too! It's also the eve of my BIRTHDAY!!! Yahoo!!! I start on my birthday - what a joke huh?
Anyway, we were just chill'n some shots that show little guys teeth and his overall just adorable-ness
I can't believe how much teeth change his looks. He is so adorable. Happy Birthday to Jenn. Happy first day of work to both Mike & Jenn. Happy first day at a new school to little man. Hope he makes lots of new friends.
Birthparents-Real Parents Birthparents-Natural Parents Birthchild-Real Child Make an adoption plan-Put up for adoption Choose adoption-Give up for adoption Was adopted-Is adopted Parent a Child-Keep a child Came to the family through adoption- Not their own child Child of unmarried parents-Illegitimate child Single parent-Unwed mother Unplanned, unintended, or untimely pregnancy- Unwanted pregnancy
Good Luck to all tomorrow and Happy Birthday Jenn! Plus, love the teeth.
Love the teeth they are so adorable. congrats on everything working out for you all.
I can't believe how much teeth change his looks. He is so adorable. Happy Birthday to Jenn. Happy first day of work to both Mike & Jenn. Happy first day at a new school to little man. Hope he makes lots of new friends.
LOVE the teeth shots - his smiles get better and better every day.
Missing you all SO much - hope your birthday has been great. Talk to you soon -
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