Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Design by Crotzer nearly done

I know you've all been waiting for it so, here it is!! We're finally nearly complete with our new bedroom. WARNING: photo overload.

BEFORE: This is how was listed when we bought the house
Can we say yikes?? Death trap for kids??

It became more frightening with demo
Then a little less - we really thought this was going to be a "small" project.

I have a gap in my photo diary but you get the drift

If you don't...forward progress is what  you're seeing.

At this point we were pretty much on our own - labor budget busted!!

Thanks to a little "free" help from G'pa S. we were able to slowly but surely move forward.

"Free" help from G'ma during the final days was PRICELESS!

I spend a complete week...sometimes 16 hours a day
gett'n 'er done!!!

Then having fun decorating!! 

And moving up stairs

AFTER: I say nearly complete because I don't know what I want
for a few of the finishing touches

Like the doors for the built-ins
We pretty much had to rearrange our entire house because furniture from our old room didn't fit up the stairs so we shifted the entire house - it has all worked out thankfully.

To all of you that I said to come stay once we had more room, you have about 3 days to make that happen...

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