Saturday, November 14, 2009

That's it!

I just love this bodysuit! I think all babies should have one.

No chance of going to my Mom...she and my Dad are in Mexico celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary (Monday)!! Congratulations Mom & Dad. Mikes parents will be making their way here in just a few weeks to meet the little guy.

I find it amusing Noah always sleeps with his arms up - no matter what. We can only swaddle armpits down or he is a force to be reakoned with.

So peacful
Last night neither DH or I wanted to put any effort in to making dinner so we decided to got to Five Guys Burgers & Fries (yes I know very healthy). This was our "first" family outing to eat just the three of us - very fancy I know...Anyway, DH was so nervous - he kept saying "I don't think we should take a baby to a place like that" as if it was some sort of underground illegal burger joint. Very amusing to me. Thankfully there were several other families there with their little cherubs too. It put him at ease. It is so funny what Dads (or at least this dad) worry themselves about.


Anonymous said...

Getting cuter everyday I see : ) Can't wait to meet him!


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet he is such a protective daddy. So cute when they sleep like that.


Anonymous said...

I love the t-shirt. He has changed in just 3 days. Love