Thursday, September 30, 2010

They say knowing your Pharmacists name

improves your health by some crazy percent. A lot of people better start learning Mike's name! It's official - there was never doubt in my mind...we got confirmation yesterday, DH passed his test!

This is what we were greeted with when we dragged ourselves in at 10:30 last night after working on the house. We love popcorn and pharmacist!!

Just a cute sleeping baby.


Anonymous said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice job Mike, knew you could do it.....

Anonymous said...

Yea Mike!! Cute Baby Butt in the air. He sure is growing fast. GG

Anonymous said...

yay mike! fully expected :)

Julie said...

Congrats Mike!

Hillary said...

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Never a doubt in my mind that you would...but yeah for confirmation.