The story of the life & times of ME starting 11/11/08. A little of eveything.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
They say knowing your Pharmacists name
improves your health by some crazy percent. A lot of people better start learning Mike's name! It's official - there was never doubt in my mind...we got confirmation yesterday, DH passed his test!
This is what we were greeted with when we dragged ourselves in at 10:30 last night after working on the house. We love popcorn and pharmacist!!
Just a cute sleeping baby.
YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice job Mike, knew you could do it.....
Birthparents-Real Parents Birthparents-Natural Parents Birthchild-Real Child Make an adoption plan-Put up for adoption Choose adoption-Give up for adoption Was adopted-Is adopted Parent a Child-Keep a child Came to the family through adoption- Not their own child Child of unmarried parents-Illegitimate child Single parent-Unwed mother Unplanned, unintended, or untimely pregnancy- Unwanted pregnancy
YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice job Mike, knew you could do it.....
Yea Mike!! Cute Baby Butt in the air. He sure is growing fast. GG
yay mike! fully expected :)
Congrats Mike!
ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Never a doubt in my mind that you would...but yeah for confirmation.
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