Sunday, September 26, 2010

Her Groove and...

how she's getting it back. We've been putting as much time as we can into our home. There are days we feel defeated and there are days we feel energized. We can't wait to call her home.

Paint...61 gallons so far. That's interior and exterior - purchased not yet all been used. She's getting a face lift or at the very least we can call it new make-up. Thankfully my dad is a skilled craftsmen. He's giving her some much needed updates and repairs. We are incredibly thankful for every minute he can focus our way. If all goes extremely well the exterior painter will we done this week and I'll have new pics - next week at the latest.

For the most part the floors are done! I hope to give the living and dining rooms a little TLC this week and then we can mark it done. It's been a long road - sanding, scraping, staining and sealing...that's a lot of 's'! We hit some road block and have accepted there are some battles we just aren't going to win. All in all we're thrilled.
It really is amazing what a shinny floor and fresh paint can do for your spirits!We're nearly done with the prior to moving in interior paint -there's going to be more after we move but not in the primary living spaces.
Dining Room - Flower Pot

Living Room - Laughing Eyes
(I think I picked this color because it make think of Noah)

DH spent the weekend tearing down the old dilapidated fence and putting up a lovely 6' fence. Thankfully dad with there to supervise and give much needed instructions. The dogs are going to love their new space and I'm so proud of DH and his manual labor skills.
I must give a shout out to G'ma S. - sadly she hurt her knee several weeks ago, so much so that she'll be having surgery soon. Thankfully for us she's been off work and really taking one for the team. Not only has Noah gotten some great G'ma time but she's also prepared nearly every meal for us and had it ready to take to the house to eat while we're working or had it ready for us when we rush home for a quick wardrobe change. I'm pretty sure we would still be on step one if it weren't for her.
Stay tuned for beautiful house pictures....


Anonymous said...

soooo cute........congrats Jenn!!

Anonymous said...

sweetness...poppin' colors! happy for you!

Hillary said...

OK - so somehow I missed this post, until now.
Your poor mom! But what a lady to take care of you guys so well.
Can't wait for more house the colors so far.