The story of the life & times of ME starting 11/11/08. A little of eveything.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Calling Uncle Bryan
Noah wants to know if he gets to ride on your firetruck in May. He doesn't seem to care that you'll be busy with your wedding and all....What do ya say??
Birthparents-Real Parents Birthparents-Natural Parents Birthchild-Real Child Make an adoption plan-Put up for adoption Choose adoption-Give up for adoption Was adopted-Is adopted Parent a Child-Keep a child Came to the family through adoption- Not their own child Child of unmarried parents-Illegitimate child Single parent-Unwed mother Unplanned, unintended, or untimely pregnancy- Unwanted pregnancy
1 comment:
It looks like SPRING there! SO JEALOUS!
Also, your house is coming along so beautifully - and quickly! Can't wait for more pics.
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