The story of the life & times of ME starting 11/11/08. A little of eveything.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Zippeddy Doo dahhh
One of our CR adventures was a Zip-line tour! Such fun, never had a desire to do it but glad I did. It started with a 45 minute drive through the countryside a.k.a. Palm Forest, through the river - literally and over the hills to the jungle/rain forest - no sure which it was...
No pictures of us in action as they suggested we not take our cameras -would have been fine had we though.
Pictures speak for themselves!
The tour included about 10 zips, 2 free falls/repels and a Tarzan swing - SUPER FUN!!!
Birthparents-Real Parents Birthparents-Natural Parents Birthchild-Real Child Make an adoption plan-Put up for adoption Choose adoption-Give up for adoption Was adopted-Is adopted Parent a Child-Keep a child Came to the family through adoption- Not their own child Child of unmarried parents-Illegitimate child Single parent-Unwed mother Unplanned, unintended, or untimely pregnancy- Unwanted pregnancy
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