Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5 lbs 3 oz

I think we were both a little nervous when we pulled away from home this morning. I feel I now have a little insight into what a young man feels like when he's going to meet his girlfriends father for the first time.

We knew in addition to meeting our birth mother, her mother and our social worker we were also going to meet the birth grandfather! It's so funny the picture I formed in my head...9 feet tall, stern...honestly what I think a young man pictures. It turns out we didn't get to have lunch with him too but did get to meet for a few minutes. I wish we would have been able to have lunch, in those short few minutes we learned he just the nicest man. He's driving tonight some 16+ hours for an appointment for one of their furbabies. We did get to have lunch with an aunt which was a delight.

Lunch was just a delight! I think we are so lucky to have a birth family that is so easy to get a long with and so funny! Time just flew by. Our birth mother seems (for being 7 1/2 months pregnant) upbeat and just...I don't know, just...amazing!

***side note
Linda the social workers dogs are named TJ & Maxx as in TJMaxx the store!! How great is that?
Back to our day...
After lunch we headed to the ultrasound. Neither DH or I have ever attended an ultrasound before. I will admit the tech was slightly scary, all dressed in black with bright red hair and bright red lipstick - looks can be deceiving. She was perfectly pleasant and efficient! The ultrasound lasted just over 7 minutes. We got to see everything, hear his heartbeat (which made me so emotional) and watch his diaphragm practicing so he can breath when he comes out.

Did you know that amniotic fluid is baby urine? I had no idea. He apparently is producing plenty of urine.

We know he's 5 pounds 3 ounces today and doing great. The 4D pictures are pretty cool.

Meet Jr.
I'm sure he'll just have a fit later in life when he learns I've posted this one
Due date is still set for October 17th.

SW & BM will be doing a presentation at school tomorrow about open adoption. I am so impressed with BM gusto and openness.

I will post the video later just because I think it is so cool!


Anonymous said...

YEAH CROTZER.........oh i am so happy for you i cannot wait for you to meet your baby and start your life as a family.

Hillary said...

OK he is seriously adorable - made me tear up just seeing his little face! I can't wait to meet him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you again. A very emotional day for everyone involved. Glad you made it home safely.

TaraD said...

He's SO dear! Olivia is cracking up at the shot of his privates...nice one! We can't wait to be able to snuggle the little Mr!!!!